SCLI Badge

The Somerset & Cornwall Light Infantry

6 October 1959 - 10 July 1968


Osnabruck 1959/61

Plymouth Sept/61


Gibraltar/Tobruk 1961/63


Berlin 1963/65


Gravesend 1965/68


Aden 1966

SCLI Obituaries

SCLI Badge

Rest in Peace


23982801 Cpl Donald Major Pinder – died April / May (date unknown) 2024 aged 75

Donald enlisted into the SCLI Junior Leaders in September 1963. He was trained in the Infantry Junior Leader Bn. at Oswestry. On completion of his training in early 1965, he was posted to the Regimental Depot at Shrewsbury for further training in mans service. On completion of this training he was posted in December 1965 to 1SCLI in Gravesend where he was employed as a rifleman in B Company. In 1966 he went with the Bn to Aden on a six-month deployment returning to Gravesend in October of that year. In January 1967 B Coy went to Canada for winter warfare training and returned to Gravesend on completion. A further period of winter warfare training saw B Coy deploy to Voss in Norway for three weeks in 1968. Later that year SCLI became 1LI. Shortly afterwards the Bn was posted to Ballykinler Northern Ireland for what was a 22-month tour of duty. It then moved to Lemgo, West Germany in May 1970 from where, following an emergency tour to Belfast from March to July 1971, he retired from the Army. During his service he was awarded the GSM South Arabia Medal for Aden and Northern Ireland. In civilian life he ran a bar in Benidorm, Spain for a number of years before retiring and moving to Redhill in Surrey. No other details are known.

WO2 Brian Michael Ladd – died on Saturday 2nd March 2024 aged 89

Brian was called up for National Service in 1953 into the REME and served as a Craftsman with 30 Field Ambulance in Paderborn, West Germany. Following his discharge in 1955, he served in the TA  for a further three years. In 1958 he re-enlisted into the Somerset Light Infantry serving at Jellalabad Barracks at Taunton. Following the formation of the SCLI in 1959 he was posted to the Depot in Bodmin, where, having been promoted to Corporal, he was engaged in training recruits. On the closure of the Depot in 1962 he was posted to Gibraltar and served as a section commander with B Coy. In 1963 he moved with the Bn to Berlin where he was promoted to Sjt. In 1965 the Bn returned to the UK and was stationed in Gravesend. As a Pltn Sjt with B Coy, he was deployed with the Bn to ADEN in 1966 where he was engaged with B Coy’s Mortar Section. Later that year the Bn returned to Gravesend where he remained as a Pltn Sjt with B Coy. Later he moved to the QM’s department as the Tech Sjt. From 1968 when the SCLI became 1LI, up until 1978 when he left the Army, he had tours of duty in Ballykinler, Northern Ireland, Lemgo, Colchester and Hong Kong and finally Tidworth. During this time he carried out various appointments as Families Sjt, Officers Mess Manager, and on promotion as CSM HQ Coy. During his service he was awarded the GSM South Arabia medal, with a Bar for Northern Ireland.

In civilian life he retired to Shropshire where he worked for the DHSS for two years and then the MOD until his retirement. He remained for many years an enthusiastic and popular member of the Regimental Association. He often attended the SCLI Reunion at Taunton  and also the Taunton Branch annual dinner in company with his wife until ill health prevented them from doing so. His funeral, which took place on Friday 5th April at Telford Crematorium, was well attended by his family, friends, and former military colleagues. Our condolences go to his wife June, his six children and their respective families.

23883307 C/Sjt Ewart Hawkins – died Monday 8th January 2024 aged 84

He enlisted as a Regular Soldier into the SCLI in 1961 and following initial training at the Regimental Depot at Bodmin, was posted to the 1st Bn in Gibraltar. He served at first in a Rifle Company before joining the MT. He served in all postings with the Bn including Aden by which time he had been promoted to L/Cpl. He later had further promotion to Cpl whilst the Bn was stationed in Gravesend. In 1968 following the formation of the Light Infantry, he was stationed in Ballykinler, Northern Ireland where the Bn had a two-year tour. In May 1970 the Bn moved to Lemgo, West Germany by which time he had been promoted to MT Sjt. He retired from the Army in 1983 in the rank of C/Sjt. During his time with 1LI he had three further operational tours of Northern Ireland at the time of “The Troubles”. A deployment to Belize and a six-month UN operational tour to Cyprus. He also had postings with the Bn to Colchester, Hong Kong, Tidworth and Munster, West Germany from where he retired. During his service he was awarded the GSM South Arabia Medal with a bar for Northern Ireland, the UNFICYP (Cyprus) Medal and the LS&GC Medal. His funeral took place on Thursday 1st February 2024 at Treswithian Down Crematorium, Camborne. It was well attended by his family, friends and former colleagues. Our condolences go to his wife Marcia and family.

Maj Simon Christopher Firbank – died on Saturday 26th August 2023 aged 86

He was commissioned into the Somerset LI as a 2nd Lieutenant in 1957 and was posted to the 1st Battalion at Knook Camp, Warminster, Wiltshire, which at that time was the Infantry Training Bn. He was appointed a Pltn Comd with A Company. In 1959, and promoted to Lieutenant, he moved with the SOM LI contingent to Osnabruck, West Germany where the amalgamation with 1DCLI took place to form the Somerset and Cornwall LI. Within a short time of arriving at Osnabruck he moved to Support Coy and the Anti -Tank Pltn. During his time in Osnabruck he was a member of the Bn Athletics Team, who were Champions of 12 Inf Bde Group, Osnabruck Games and 1st Inf Div; 3rd BAOR Championships. In June 1961 the Bn returned to the UK and was stationed for a short while in Seaton Barracks, Plymouth before moving in August 1961 to Gibraltar where he remained with Anti -Tanks. In 1962 he was posted to 11 KAR in Nakuru, Kenya and later to Nanyuki also in Kenya as the Adjutant. In 1964 he was posted as a Capt to MONS Officer Cadet School in Aldershot, Hampshire, where he was involved in training Short Service Officer Cadets. In 1966 he returned to the LI with a posting to 1DLI at Colchester. In 1968 the Bn was serving in Cyprus as part of the UN Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) he was the OC Support Coy based at Polis. On the 10th July 1968 the Bn became 4LI. In 1969 due to the reduction of Infantry Bn’s within the Army, 4LI ceased to exist when the four Bn’s of the LI were reduced to three. 4LI personnel were posted to the three remaining Bn’s. Simon however had been posted in 1968 to the Training Brigade Royal Signals. 11 Signal Regt at Catterick as the Infantry Trg Officer. In 1970 he was posted to the Berlin Inf Bde were he remained until 1972 when he was posted to 1LI in Lemgo, West Germany, promoted to Major and in 1973 becoming OC C Coy. The Bn had a further tour in Northern Ireland from July – November 1973 with C Coy based in Newry. On conclusion of the tour the Bn returned to Lemgo until March 1974 when it was posted to Meanee Brks Colchester. From 1974 – 76 he had three postings as a Trg Major, with 4LI (TA) at Bishop Auckland, 6LI (TA) at Bath, and with 2RGJ at Tidworth and Ulster. His latter postings were to the School of Infantry at Warminster as the Adjutant to the Support Unit, and from 1985 until his retirement from the Army in June 1992, with HQ UKLF, 1Inf Bde at Tidworth, as the Admin Officer Bde Signal Squadron.

His awards from service with the Army were the UN Cyprus and GSM Northern Ireland medals. He returned to his home in Gillingham, Dorset where he had a number of civilian occupations including a fish farmer, shoe retailer, car salesman and sofa seller. As per his wishes, a private family cremation has taken place. Our condolences go to his son Rupert and immediate family.

Maj Gerald Alex Crozier Saunt (Alex) MBE – died Thursday 17th August 2023 aged 85.

He was commissioned into the Somerset LI as a Second Lieutenant on the 2nd August 1958. He joined the 1st Battalion at Knook Camp Warminster, which at that time was the Infantry Training Battalion. His duties with the Bn was that of a Platoon Commander. In October 1959 the amalgamation took place, with the SOM LI contingent moving to Osnabruck, West Germany and joining together with the 1st Battalion DCLI, already stationed there, and forming the 1st Battalion SCLI. Whilst at Osnabruck he was a member of the Bn Athletics Team, who were Champions of 12 Inf Bde Group, Osnabruck Games and 1st Inf Div; 3rd BAOR Championships. The Bn returned to the UK in June 1961 and for a short while were stationed at Seaton Barracks, Plymouth, before in August 1961 moving to Gibraltar. During these preceding years he remained as a Plt Comd with B Company and was also involved in Recruit Training. Now a Lieutenant, in May 1962 with the presentation of New Colours to the Bn by Field Marshall The Lord Harding of Petherton, he had the honour of carrying one of the Old Regimental Colours as they were trooped off the Battalion parade. In 1964 he was promoted to Captain and was posted to 22 SAS at Hereford where he carried out duties as a Troop Comd and OC Selection of those joining the Regiment. He re-joined 1SCLI at Gravesend in 1967 which then became 1LI in July 1968. Shortly after this it was posted to Ballykinler in Northern Ireland, where it remained until May 1970 before moving to Lemgo, West Germany. By now he had been promoted to Major and was OC C Coy.

Three further tours took place in Northern Ireland whilst the Bn was based at Lemgo. The first was to Belfast from March to July 1971 with C Coy together with other Coy’s based Prospect Mill, Flax Street. In May 1972 the Bn was presented with New Colours at Lemgo by HRH Princess Alexandra. He had the honour of being one of the Officers for the Colours. The Bn’s next tour of the Province was to Belfast and Londonderry from July to November 1972. It was following this operational tour that he was awarded the MBE. He was not involved in the third tour from July to November 1973 remaining at Lemgo. In 1975 he was posted to 5LI Volunteers, the TA Bn based in Shrewsbury as the Training Major, a post he held until 1977 when he was posted to HQ I(BR) Corps in Bielefeld West Germany as a GSO 2. (Electronic Warfare) Then followed a number of staff appointments including an attachment with HQ AFCENT (Allied Forces Central Europe) before a final posting to the MOD in London as an SO 2 in the Sales Directorate.

He retired from the Army on 30th April 1992 to his home in Corton, Wiltshire. In civilian life he set up with his wife Barbara, who sadly pre-deceased him, and operated a care home for the elderly in Wiltshire. One of his passions was walking. And it was whilst on a Battlefield Tour in France that he suffered a heart attack, from which he subsequently died in a French hospital His private family funeral service took place on Wednesday 13th September followed by his interment. Our condolences go to his daughters Anna and Wendy and their respective families.

 22266882 Sjt Donald George Chapman – died Tuesday 30th May 2023 aged 90

Don (as he was known) enlisted into the Light Infantry as a Band Boy on the 8th June 1949. He did his initial training at Bordon in Hampshire. In January 1951 having now qualified as a Bandsman he was posted to 1 SOM LI in BAOR. Don’s whole service was spent, until he retired from the Army in November 1968, as a Bandsman. During this time he saw service with the SOM LI, SCLI and 1LI. In July 1952 he attended the Royal Military School of Music for further training. In November 1953 he was posted back to 1 SOM LI in Malaya. He had further tours with the Bn in the UK and then following amalgamation with the SCLI in Osnabruck, Plymouth, Gibraltar, Berlin, and finally Gravesend from where he retired shortly after the SCLI became 1LI. During his service he was awarded the GSM with clasp Malaya, and the LS&GC Medal.

In civilian life he set up home in Clevedon and took employment in the retail trade selling TV, Hi Fi etc. After 10 years he quit the retail trade and became until retirement, the resident senior caretaker at a High School for Girls. Unfortunately the funeral details are not known. Our condolences go to his wife Shirley and family.

Maj Gerald Ernest Hill BEM – died Saturday 18th March 2023 aged 87

Gerald enlisted into the Somerset LI in 1954 and following training at the Regt. Depot in Taunton was posted to the 1st Bn SOM LI in Malaya serving initially as a Rifleman before moving to the Bugle Pltn. The Bn returned to the UK and Plymouth in 1955 and in 1956 was deployed to Malta and Cyprus. It returned to the UK in 1957 and in 1958 became the Infantry Demonstration Bn at Warminster. During these preceding years he had risen in rank to Cpl. In 1959 the amalgamation took place of the SOM LI with the DCLI to form the SCLI with 1SCLI being stationed in Osnabruck, West Germany. The Bn returned to the UK in June 1961 and after a short period was posted to Gibraltar where he was promoted to Sjt and became the Bugle Major. He remained in this post until 1968 when he was promoted to C/Sjt and a position of CQMS. Within a short space of time, he moved to A Coy as C/Sjt when the Bn was deployed, having become 1LI, to Northern Ireland. In 1970 the Bn was posted to Lemgo, West Germany where he was promoted to WO2 and returned to the post of Bugle Major. He remained as such until early 1977 when he was posted to Military Police in Northern Ireland as the Admin WO. He retired from the Army in June 1977. During his 23 years of service, he was awarded the GSM Malaya (1918-62 Version) GSM South Arabia and Bar for Northern Ireland (1962 on Version) LSGC in 1972, and BEM in 1975.

On leaving the Army he returned home to Bristol where he worked as a Prison Officer for a year. He then took up an appointment with the rank of WO1, with the CCF (Combined Cadet Force) of Clifton College, Bristol. He remained with the CCF until retirement, during which time he had risen to the rank of Major.

His funeral service took place at Canford Cemetery, Bristol on Friday 21st April, and was well attended by his family, friends, former Officers and Buglers from the Regt. Last post was played by a trumpeter. Our condolences go to his wife Heather and family.

Cpl Robert (Bob) Evered – died 6th March 2023. Age unknown.

Bob was called up for National Service in January 1958 into the DCLI at the Regimental Depot at Bodmin. On completion of his training in April 1958, he signed up as a three-year Regular Soldier with a further four years on Reserve. He was then posted to 1DCLI in Osnabruck, West Germany, where he gained promotion quite quickly and served in D Company as a training Cpl. He remained in D Company until he completed his three years service. On leaving the Regular Army, he continued with Reserve service with the TA (Territorial Army), serving with A Company, 502 Company, Royal Army Service Corp at Clevedon, Somerset. His service with the TA was to extend for a total of seven years until March 1968. His funeral service took place on Thursday 30th March at Bristol Memorial Woodlands, Earthcott Green, Alveston, South Gloucestershire. Our condolences go to his son Jeremy and family.

Maj Victor Wood (Vic) – died Thursday 23rd February 2023 aged 84

He enlisted into the KOYLI as a regular soldier in 1958. Following training at the Regt Depot, Pontefract, he was posted to 1 KOYLI in Hilden, West Germany. The Bn returned to the UK in August 1961 and was based at the barracks in Pontefract. He completed a junior NCO’s cadre and was shortly afterwards promoted to Cpl. In 1963 he transferred to 1SCLI in Berlin where he served in the orderly room. Further promotion to Sjt saw him become Chief Clerk of the Bn, a post he held for a number of years. He served with the Bn in postings to Canada, Aden, and Norway at which time the Bn’s home base was Gravesend. Shortly after becoming 1LI in 1968 the Bn was posted to Ballykinler Norther Ireland where he remained as Chief Clerk with the rank of ORQMS.

He later had a number of detached postings from the Bn in the rank of WO2 at the School of Infantry at Warminster, the MOD at Stanmore with the rank of WO1, and the LI Depot at Shrewsbury, from where in 1974 he re-joined 1LI in Colchester having been commissioned, and as a Lt, became the Assistant Adjutant. The Bn had further postings to Northern Ireland and Belize, before a posting to Hong Kong in 1976, where now in the rank of Captain, he became the Families Officer. He remained in this position for the entire tour and also when the Bn returned to the UK in 1978 when it was posted to Tidworth. He had a further posting to the LI Brigade Depot at Shrewsbury before returning again to the Bn in Munster, West Germany. Promoted to Major, his next posting was to the Army Apprentice College in Harrogate, West Yorkshire. From there he took a reduction in rank to Captain, to become the PSAO of A Coy 1Yorks. He re-joined the LI in the late ’80s and served with 8LI as the PSAO of B Coy at Batley, West Yorkshire.

He retired from the Army after 40 years service on the 27th May 1998. Amongst his medals was the GSM with bars for South Arabia and Northern Ireland. His funeral service took place on Tuesday 4th April 2023, at Lawnswood Crematorium, Leeds. It was well attended by his family, friends and former colleagues. Our condolences go to his wife Shirley and family

WO2 Keith Leslie Winnard (Les) – died Friday 3rd February 2023 age 77

Les, as he was always known, enlisted into the Light Infantry Brigade in 1963. Following training at the Brigade Depot, Copthorne Barracks, Shrewsbury, he was posted to 1SCLI in Berlin, West Germany. He initially served in a rifle company. He served in all postings with the Bn up until the formation of the Light Infantry in 1968. He therefore served, apart from Berlin, in Gravesend, Aden, Canada and Norway. Following 1SCLI becoming 1LI in July 1968 the Bn was posted to Ballykinler Northern Ireland in August of that year just as “The Troubles” broke out. It was from Ballykinler that Les retired from the Army in 1969 having completed 6 yrs service. During this time he was awarded the GSM with clasps for South Arabia (Aden) and Northern Ireland. He returned to his home town where he had employment with the local council as a landscape gardener.

Les never forgot his Army service which obviously had been a great part of his life, for in the early ’70s he joined the Light Infantry Volunteers, serving with ‘D’ Company (Durham). They were later to become the 7th Battalion The Light Infantry, and later still The 7th Battalion, The (Durham) Light Infantry (Volunteers). Much of his service was as an assault pioneer. He was promoted on a number of occasions during his service before retiring in 1995 with the rank of WO2. His last post was that of the RQMS of the Battalion. Les also worked tirelessly over a period of some 18 years, collecting money on behalf of the RBL Poppy Appeal. During that lime he collected a considerable amount of money in Durham. His funeral took place on Friday the 3rd March at Durham Crematorium. It was well attended by his family and friends, together with a very large turnout of his former colleagues from the regiments in which he served, and the Territorial Army. There was also five Standard Bearers and a Bugler in attendance. Our condolences go to his wife Sandra and the family.

23092438 WO2 David Knapton – died Saturday 28th January 2023 aged 86

He was called up for National Service in 1953 and trained at the DCLI Depot, Bodmin. He was then posted to 1DCLI in Jamaica, the West Indies. The Bn returned to the UK in 1955 and he left the Army that same year. Approximately five years later he re-joined the Army as a regular soldier serving with 1SCLI. His first overseas posting with the Bn was to Gibraltar in 1961. Later that same year he was promoted to L/Cpl serving in a Rifle Coy. In 1963 having attained the rank of Cpl, he was posted as a training NCO to the Light Infantry Brigade Depot at Shrewsbury. He remained in post for two years after which he re-joined the Bn in Gravesend. He completed the deployment to Aden in 1966 and shortly after the Bn returned to Gravesend he was promoted to Sjt. Whilst with the Bn he had taken part in training exercises in Canada and Norway. Following the formation of the Light Infantry in 1968 the Bn, now 1LI, was posted to Ballykinler Northern Ireland, where he had a further promotion to C/Sjt. In 1970 the Bn moved to Lemgo, West Germany. He retired from the Army in the very early ’80s in the rank of WO2. His funeral service took place on Tuesday 28th February at Holy Trinity Church, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury, with his family, friends and former colleagues in attendance. This was followed the same day with the cremation at Shrewsbury Crematorium. Our condolences go to his wife Patricia and family.

Lt Col Glyndwr Brian Watkins (Glyn) MBE – died Thursday 12th January 2023 aged 83

Glyn was called up for National Service into the SCLI in June 1960. Following training at the Regimental Depot at Bodmin he was posted to 1SCLI in Osnabruck where he served initially in a Rifle Company. Shortly after joining the Bn he signed up as a regular soldier and almost immediately was promoted to L/Cpl. He remained with the Bn in postings to the UK, Gibraltar and Berlin by which time he had further promotion to Cpl. In April 1965 he was promoted to Sjt and posted to the Light Infantry Depot at Shrewsbury as an instructor. In June 1966 he re-joined the Bn serving in Aden. Following the forming of the Light Infantry in 1968, he served in 1LI and in March 1969 he was promoted to C/Sjt whilst serving in Northern Ireland. He moved with the Bn to Lemgo, West Germany in 1970, where it remained for four years. During this time he had a further four tours in Northern Ireland and also received the appointment of WO2. In November 1974 he was posted to 3LI in Minden, West Germany as RQMS. He was later appointed RSM of the Bn and had a further two tours in Northern Ireland. In 1977 he was Commissioned to the rank of Lt (QM) serving with 3LI. He remained with the Bn until 1981 during which time he was promoted to Capt. In June 1981 he was posted as Capt (QM) to 1LI and remained with the Bn until June 1986, when, now promoted to Major, he was posted to 1/7 Gurkha Rifles as the (QM). In 1989 he had two further appointments as (QM). First to the Light Division Depot and later that year to the Cadet Training Centre. His final appointment came in April 1991, now a Lt. Col. (QM), was to the Royal Military College of Science at Shrivenham, Wiltshire.

During his service, he was awarded the GSM with clasps for South Arabia and Northern Ireland, the Queens Silver Jubilee Medal, the LSGCM, UN Cyprus Medal, a GOC Commendation and the MBE. He retired from the Army in June 1994 and initially resided in the Channel Islands before moving to Australia and setting up home in Port Macquarie, New South Wales. His funeral service took place at Port Macquarie Crematorium, on Wednesday, 18th January with only family members present. Our condolences go to his wife Fay and his son Ian, who resides in the UK.

23797314 Sjt Cedric George Cooper (Sid) – died Saturday 10th December 2022 aged 83

Known as Sid, he was called up for National Service into the SCLI in July 1960. Following training at the Regimental Depot at Bodmin he was posted to 1SCLI in Osnabruck and served in B Company. It wasn’t long before he decided to become a regular soldier. He returned with the Bn to the UK in June 1961 and was stationed for a short period at Seaton Brks Plymouth before moving with the Bn to Gibraltar. He had two tours in Tabruk during the Bn’s stay in Gibraltar and prior to the Bn’s posting to Berlin in 1963 he was promoted to Cpl. During that year he moved from B Coy to HQ Coy serving with MT. He remained with the MT until the Bn returned to the UK in 1965 and Gravesend, when he then returned to B Coy. He deployed with the Bn to Aden in April 1966, returning to Gravesend in September of that year. In 1968, shortly after the Bn became 1LI it was posted to Ballykinler, Northern Ireland where he was promoted Sjt and moved to the Dog Section as a handler. In 1970 the Bn was posted to Lemgo, West Germany where he served as the Provost Sjt. His final Bn posting was to Colchester, before he moved to Bodmin as a Sjt recruiter for the last few months of his service.

He retired from the Army in 1975 after 15 years’ service. He then moved to Scotland where he worked as a self-employed engineer until 1991. He then became the shooting manager on a 25,000-acre estate at Aviemore, Scotland. He retired in 2004 moving to Dunfermline, Scotland, where, as a qualified shooting instructor, he worked part time at a local shooting school. Sid was awarded with the GSM for South Arabia and a bar for Northern Ireland during his service. His funeral service took place at Dunfermline Crematorium on Thursday 22nd December and was attended by his family and many friends. Our condolences go to his wife Sandra and family.

Maj W. Hugo White MBE DL – died Monday 5th December 2022 aged 92

Hugo enlisted into the Guards Depot at Caterham, Surrey in 1949, before entering RMA Sandhurst. He was commissioned into the SOM LI in February 1951 and joined 1 SOM LI in Munster, West Germany serving as a Platoon Commander. In November 1952 the Bn deployed to Malaya for a 3-year tour during the Malayan Emergency. Initially he continued as a Pltn Cmdr before taking over as the Bn Signals Officer/. In 1958 he was posted on attachment to the Parachute Regt., serving as the Brigade Intelligence Officer in Cyprus and Jordan. This was followed by service with 3 PARA in Aldershot. In 1961 he was posted to 1SCLI in Gibraltar as Adjutant. He was later promoted to Major and became a Company Cmdr in Tobruk before moving with the Bn to Berlin. In 1963 he commenced service on HMS Eagle as a Liaison Officer for a period of 2 years. Following this he served for a short time with 1KOYLI in Berlin and later with 1KSLI in Terendak. In 1971, after the Troubles in Northern Ireland had begun, he was posted to 1st Ulster Defence Regt in Armagh as training Major, after which he was posted for a 2-year period to the LI Depot in Shrewsbury. He received a further posting to Northern Ireland and operated as a Military Intelligence Officer with the Royal Ulster Constabulary at Newry. His bravery and action during this posting was rewarded by him being Mentioned in Dispatches.

He retired from the Army in 1978 and took up the appointment of Regimental Secretary for the Light Infantry in Bodmin, a post he held for many years. For over 30 years he was Chairman of the Cornwall LI Regt Assoc. He was also appointed a DL and was Clerk to the Lieutenancy from 1982-96. As curator of the DCLI Regimental Museum, he personally brought it up to a standard that gained it a reputation of being one of the finest Regimental Museums in the country. Encouraged by his huge enthusiasm for military history, he was the author of the Regt History of the DCLI 1702-1959. He was made MBE in 2020 for services to Cornwall’s Regimental Museum and Padstow Community.

Hugo’s funeral took place on Thursday 22nd December at St Petroc’s Church, Padstow, Cornwall. It was exceedingly well attended by his family, friends, organisations and members of the Regiment. Our condolences go to his wife Catherine and family.

Maj Ian Hill (Rocky) – died Friday 25 November 2022 aged 89

Ian was called up for National Service in March 1951 and was trained at the Light Infantry Training Depot at Borden in Hampshire, after which he was posted to 1 SOM LI in Munster, West Germany. A few months later he enlisted as a regular soldier. In 1952, he was posted with the Bn to Malaya for counter insurgency operations against the Communist terrorists. During this time he was promoted to Sjt and posted to the Regimental Depot in Taunton as a training instructor. He later returned to the Bn who were stationed at Plymouth and shortly afterwards moved to Warminster. He then moved to the School of Infantry at Hythe in Kent, becoming an instructor on the Signal Wing. In 1960 he was posted to 1SCLI in Osnabruck and in 1961 via Plymouth to Gibraltar, where he was promoted to WO2. The Bn moved to Berlin in 1963 and shortly afterwards he left to command a recruiting team, based at Plymouth. In 1965 he returned to 1SCLI as RQMS. He served with the Bn in Gravesend and then following becoming 1LI in Ballykinler, Northern Ireland. He was then posted to Signal Wing at the School of Infantry in Warminster and promoted to WO1. He was later appointed RSM at the Light Infantry Depot at Shrewsbury from 1971-73, before being granted a Quartermaster Commission in the Regiment. He joined 1LI in Lemgo, West Germany and later Colchester where he was promoted to Captain and became the MTO. He also had a 2-month detachment in Alberta, Canada, followed by a 6-month detachment in Belize and a 3-month operational tour in Northern Ireland. In 1975 he was posted to 1LI in Hong Kong serving there for 2 years before returning to the UK and a posting to Tidworth and an appointment to Tech QM. During this posting he served a short period again in Alberta and another operational tour in Northern Ireland. Then followed a 6-month tour with 1LI in Cyprus operating within the UN force (UNICYP). Following this he was posted to Munster, West Germany and, after a 3-year tour at the School of Infantry, he retired from the Army in 1985 in the rank of Maj.

He then set up home in Hatch Beauchamp, Somerset and became a farmer, and together with his wife, they bred pheasants for a number of years before retiring and moving to Bathpool, Taunton. His funeral took place on Wednesday 14 December at Taunton Crematorium. It was attended by his extended family and friends and members of the Taunton Branch of the Association. Our condolences go to his wife Janet.

23708826 Cpl Charles Albert Lobb (Chad) – Wednesday 23rd November 2022 aged 79

Chad, as he was known to all in the Regiment, enlisted in 1958 with the DCLI as a Junior Soldier in the Junior Leaders Bn at Plymouth and Oswestry. At the age of 18 he was posted to the Regt Depot at Bodmin where he completed his training before joining 1SCLI in Osnabruck, West Germany, where he served in A Company as a rifleman. He continued with A Coy on the return of the Bn to the UK and Plymouth in June of 1961. In August of that year the Bn was posted to Gibraltar where he was promoted to L/Cpl. He received a further promotion whilst in Gibraltar to Cpl and moved to the Assault Pioneers. In 1963 the Bn was posted to Berlin and then in 1965 to Gravesend in the UK. In April 1966 the Bn deployed for a six-month tour in Aden. On the 9th September Chad was seriously injured when the vehicle he was travelling in struck a mine. This resulted in the death of another soldier and a further soldier also being seriously injured. Recovering from his injuries, he had further service with the Bn in Gravesend and later with 1LI in Ballykinler where he returned to a Rifle Coy as a Sect Commander. He was posted in 1970, as an instructor, to the LI Depot at Shrewsbury. He left the Army in 1972 having served a total of 14 years, during which time he was awarded the GSM for South Arabia and a bar for Northern Ireland.

In civilian life he worked from 1972 – 92 in the building industry in Cambridge, before setting up as a computer technician until 2004, when he retired to become a full time carer for his wife who sadly pre-deceased him. His funeral service took place on Friday 23rd December 2022 at the West Chapel of Cambridge Crematorium. It was attended by his family and friends. Our condolences go to his daughter Dawn in New Zealand, Son Morgan in London, and his sister Susan who carried out all the arrangements.

23882905 Pte John James Patrick Kelly (Paddy) – died Saturday 19 November 2022 aged 81

John enlisted into the SCLI as a regular soldier on 16 September 1961. His initial training was at the Regimental Depot at Bodmin, after which he was posted to 1SCLI in Gibraltar where he served in a Rifle Company. After a short period of time he was transferred to the Orderly Room as a clerk and later moved to the QM’s staff again as a clerk. In fact, he was to maintain the position clerk for the remainder of his service. In 1963 the Bn was posted to Berlin where he served in B Coy and later HQ Coy. The Bn returned to the UK in November 1965 and was stationed in Gravesend where he remained in HQ Coy. In April 1966 the Bn Deployed to Aden for a 6-month tour for which he received the GSM (South Arabia). The Bn returned to Gravesend in September where it remained until becoming 1LI in July 1968. Shortly after this it deployed in August to Ballykinler, Northern Ireland, with John remaining with HQ Coy. A year later he went with the Bn to Kenya for a month’s exercise, returning afterwards to Ballykinler. In May 1970 the Bn moved to Lemgo, West Germany where he then moved back to the Orderly Room. He left the Army in September of that year on completion of 9 years’ service and receiving the bar for Northern Ireland to his GSM.

He set up home in Bath and worked initially for British Rail, before joining a firm of cabinet makers in Bath. His final employment was with Cadbury Schweppes in Keynsham. John’s funeral service took place at Haycombe Cemetery Bath on Monday November 12; he was pre-deceased by his wife. It was attended by his family, many friends and colleagues, two Standard Bearers from the Bath branch of the Regimental Association, and a bugler from the Buglers Association. Our condolences go to his two sons, his daughter and their families.

23775367 Pte David Anthony Goff – died Sunday 23rd October 2022 aged 80

David enlisted into the SCLI as a regular soldier on 15th September 1960. Following training at the Regimental Depot at Bodmin, he initially attended the RAEC School at Tidworth before being was posted in April 1961 to 1SCLI in Osnabruck where he served in A Company as a Rifleman. He had further postings to Plymouth and Gibraltar where for a short period he served as an Officers Mess waiter before re-joining A Coy in Tobruk. He had further postings with the Bn to Berlin and Gravesend. From April 1996 until leaving the Army in September of that year he was on rear party following the Bn’s deployment to Aden. On returning to his home in Plymouth, he worked at Devonport Dockyard before becoming a full time carer for his wife. His funeral took place on Wednesday 23rd November at Weston Mill Crematorium, Plymouth. It was attended by his family, friends and two Buglers from the Buglers Association. Our condolences go to his wife Carol and family.

24070580 Sjt Robert Dudley Whittock-Knott – died Monday 17th October 2022 aged 72

Bob enlisted into the SCLI as a Junior Bandsman at Sir John Moore’s Barracks, Shrewsbury in 1965. In 1967 on completion of his training he was posted to 1SCLI at Gravesend as a Bandsman. He was to serve his entire service until his retirement in July 1990 as a Bandsman, during which time he rose through the ranks to Sjt. In 1968 when the Bn became 1LI he had numerous postings which saw him serve in Northern Ireland, West Germany, Hong Kong and the UK. From 1984-89 he served with 2LI in West Germany. His final posting in 1989 was to the LI Depot at Winchester and the Salamanca Band.

During the early part of his service he had attended the Royal Military School of Music at Twickenham. On leaving the Army he was employed as a civil servant with the MOD for a number of years, before changing course and becoming a coach driver. His final employment before retirement was that of a lorry driver. His private family funeral service was followed by a service of thanksgiving at Paulton Rovers Football Club, on Saturday the 19th November, which was attended by many friends and former colleagues from the Regiment. Our condolences go to his wife Susan and family.

23809701 Pte Peter John Sims – died Saturday 1st October 2022 age 83

He was called up for National Service into the SCLI on 15th September, 1960. Following training at the Regimental Depot, Bodmin he was posted to 1SCLI in Osnabruck, West Germany. He served his entire service as an Orderly Room Clerk in Germany, the UK and Gibraltar. On leaving the Army in September 1962 he returned to his home in Hanham Bristol. In civilian life he worked initially as machine operator in a cardboard box factory and later until retirement, as a tyre fitter and MOT tester. His funeral, which took place on Monday 31st October at Westerleigh CrematorIum, Bristol, was very well attended with the chapel full to capacity. In attendance were two of his former colleagues from the same intake. Our condolences go to his wife Joan and family.

Captain Michael St C Baddeley – died Thursday 4th August 2022 aged 88

Always known as Mike, he was commissioned into the SOM LI in February 1955. He served with A Company 1SOM LI in Malaya. On the Bn’s return to the UK, he carried the Regimental Colour during the home-coming parade through Taunton. He then went with the Bn to both Malta and Cyprus on their deployment in 1956. Later and back in the UK, the Bn moved to Warminster having been posted there as the ‘Demonstration Battalion’. It was from Warminster that the Bn in 1959 amalgamated with 1DCLI in Osnabruck in West Germany. He was the 3-inch Mortar Pltn Comdr in Support Company. In 1960 he was seconded for two years to the Trucial Oman Scouts. On the 4th February 1961 he was promoted to Capt. He rejoined 1SCLI in 1962 which was then located in Gibraltar and he soon became Company Comdr of A Coy. The company deployed to Tobruk in January of 1963 and during their tour he handed over Comd to Maj D A Forbes. In October of 1963 he moved with the Bn to Berlin after which he was sent to Durham University to learn Arabic. He then fulfilled a number of jobs for the MOD, working at GCHQ in Cheltenham and in the Ministry itself. He left the Army in 1971 and was then employed by the Omani Government for almost 14 years. Our condolences go to his wife Barbara.

23676577 Cpl Frederick George Weston (Freddie) – died Tuesday 5th July 2022 aged 83

Freddie enlisted into the DCLI on 4th September 1958. Following his training at the Regimental Depot at Bodmin he was posted to 1DCLI in Osnabruck , West Germany, serving initially as an ammunition storeman, before joining a Rifle Company on formation of the SCLI, where he quickly gained promotion to L/Cpl. He continued serving in the Rifle Coy in all postings to the UK, Gibraltar, Tobruk, Berlin, Gravesend and Aden by which time he attained the rank of Cpl. It was after returning from Aden to Gravesend that Freddie left the Army in September 1967 having completed 9 yrs service. During his time in the Army he showed his prowess at football. He captained the Battalion team for most of his service, the team achieving good results under his leadership. Whilst the Bn was stationed in Berlin, he and three other members of the team also played for the Combined Services. It was also in Berlin that it was the only time he was seen to blush; this was when he was presented with a bunch of flowers in Continental fashion by the opposing Berlin captain. In civilian life Freddie was employed in the building industry and later until retirement in farming. His funeral service took place on Friday 22nd July at Penmount Crematorium, Truro. It was attended by friends, care workers from the care home in which he spent the last few years of his life, two members from the Taunton Branch of the Association and his daughter.

Frank Burnside – died Saturday 9th April 2022 aged 72

Frank served in 1SCLI and 1LI. His funeral took place on Friday 29th April at Durham Crematorium. It was attended by his friends and members of the Association.

23984224 Pte John Louis Zinn (Lou) – Died 22 February 2022 aged 78

Lou, as he was known, enlisted into the SCLI in 1963. Following training at the depot in Pontefract he was posted to the 1 SCLI in Berlin. He saw service with the Bn there, in Gravesend, Aden before returning to Gravesend where it later became 1 LI. He then saw service with the Bn in Northern Ireland, Lemgo and following postings and later served in 5LI in Shrewsbury. His funeral service in Emstrey Crematorium, Shrewsbury on the 4th April, was well attended by his family, friends, former colleagues, 2 Buglers from the Buglers Assoc. and 2 Standard Bearers.

Maj Gen Barry Michael Lane CB OBE – Sunday 30th January 2022 aged 89

He was initially called up for National Service in 1952, but was quickly selected for officer training and was commissioned into the SOM LI in August 1953. He joined the 1st Battalion in Malaya as a subaltern and rifle platoon commander before commanding the Bn mortar platoon. Returning to Plymouth and later moving to Warminster, the Bn amalgamated with the DCLI in October 1959 forming the SCLI. It was stationed in Osnabruck, and he was appointed as the first Adjutant of the Bn. In 1961 he attended Staff College and in 1962 he served as DAA & QMG with 39 Inf Bde then in the role of UK Strategic Reserve. He then went with the SCLI as a Coy Cmdr to Aden where he was awarded the MBE. Following the formation of the Light Infantry in 1968 he went on to command companies at The LI Depot and then with 2LI in Tidworth and Berlin. After a short tour at the MOD (Army Staff Duties 2), in 1972 he returned to the Staff College as a member of the Directing Staff. Promoted Lt Col he commanded 1LI from June 1972 to March 1975, first in 20 Armd Bde (Lemgo) and later 19 Airportable Bde in Colchester, tours of duty included Belfast (including Op MOTORMAN) South Armagh and Belize. He was awarded the OBE in 1973 and after a period as Comdt of the Tactics Wing (School of Infantry) he commanded 11 Armd Bde (Minden) throughout 1977-78. A tour as Deputy Director Army Staff Duties was preceded by the Royal College of Defence Studies in 1979. In August 1981 Brigadier Lane was promoted Major General and appointed Director of Army Quartering until July 1982 when he became Vice Quarter Master General, it was the same month in which he was appointed Colonel of the Regiment, The Light Infantry.

In January 1984 he was appointed a CB and assumed appointment of GOC South West District before retiring from the Army in July 1987. Soon after leaving the Army he was appointed as the first Chief Executive of the Cardiff Bay Development Corporation. Moving to Somerset in 1992 his energy, passion and encouragement continued to manifest: Honorary Col of both 6LI (V) and BUOTC; supporting the Association; Council Member of the Royal Bath and West of England Society; President Taunton School Council; major fund raising for a Yeovil hospice; and, raising thousands of pounds for the ABF from his talks and tours concerning the Duke of Monmouth and the Battle of Sedgemoor (1685).

Gen. Barry for many years in the ’90s and 2000s was the President of the Taunton Branch, initially The Light Infantry Association and latterly The Rifles and Light Infantry Association. Our condolences go to his wife Shirley. 

Colonel Robert E Waight OBE – died on Monday 24th January 2022 aged 93

His service began on his 18th birthday when he was called up for National Service and reported for duty as per the instructions delivered by telegram, to 28 Trg Bn at Holyrood Edinburgh. Following promotion to L/Cpl he attended 164 Officer Cadet Training Centre (OTCU) at Chester. On being commissioned on 5th March 1948 aged 19, he initially served at Bordon, Hampshire, the LI Training Centre wearing a DLI cap badge, before moving to 1SOM LI also at Bordon. Later moving to Storrington, West Sussex he became the Bugles Officer and then in successive moves to Dover, Munster and Wuppertal in West Germany, where he became the Medium Machine Gun Pltn Comdr. This stood him in good stead later when 1SOM LI were in Malaya where he was Mentioned in Despatches, and for a tour at Taunton before moving to 4/5 SOM LI (V) at Bath as the Adjutant. Following this he had an appointment as GSO3 (Trg) in Singapore (GHQ.FARELF). From there he moved to 1SCLI in Osnabruck, where he commanded his first company. He attended the RN Staff College Greenwich in 1961 before commanding a company at the LI Depot, Shrewsbury. A further move to Singapore (HQ FARELF) as GSO2 (Trg/Air) included service in the ‘Borneo Confrontation’. He was awarded the GSM 1962 and its first clasp ‘Borneo’.

In 1966 he attended the Joint Services Staff College in Latimer, Buckinghamshire. On returning to 1SCLI he was on the Advance Party to Aden where he commanded a company before becoming battalion second of 1LI in 1968. On promotion to Lt Col his first appointment as a GSO1 was within the MOD (A) as MA to QMG. Thereafter between 1970-72 he commanded 1LI in Northern Ireland and Lemgo, West Germany. He was awarded the OBE before briefly returning to the MOD in a Requirements role from where he gained promotion attending the Senior Officers War Course, Greenwich. Between 1973-76 Col Waight served at the Support Weapons Wing Netheravon as Commandant. This was followed by Col GS, British Army Advisory Team Nigeria and the Command and Staff College. His final appointment was with HQ 38 Group RAF at Upavon, Wiltshire.

He left the Army in July 1982 becoming the Senior Emergency Planning officer for the Salisbury District. He then worked for Director Army Recruiting as a RO1 (Schools Liaison Officer in the South West, 1984-88) Finally he spent a brief spell as Regimental Secretary The Light Infantry, at Winchester. In 2017 Col Waight was awarded the ‘River Benue Star’ by the Nigerian Chief of Defence Staff, Air Chief Marshal Badeh, who called at his home in Shrewton, Wilts. In late 2018, following an attack on his vehicle ACM Badeh was killed. Col Waight’s wife pre-deceased him. Our condolences go to his son and daughter.

Capt Sir Allan John Heppel Ramsay KBE CMG – died Wednesday 5th January 2022 aged 84

He commenced his military service in 1957 as a National Service officer with the Dorset Regiment. He then attended the Royal Military College Sandhurst in 1960, after which he was commissioned into the SCLI as a 2nd Lt. He joined the 1st Bn in 1960 in Osnabruck serving with A Company. On the return of the Battalion to the UK in June 1961, he later that year moved to the Regimental Depot at Bodmin as a training subaltern, remaining at the depot until its closure in 1962. Promoted to Lieutenant that year he returned to 1SCLI in Gibraltar where he became the Assistant Adjutant in Bn HQ. He later moved to the post of Intelligence Officer. The Bn was posted to Berlin in late 1963 and he remained as Intelligence Officer. He continued in this post until 1965 when he was was seconded to the Trucial Oman Scouts on a 2-year posting. It was said that he was fast becoming an Arabic scholar. On completion of his 2 years, during which in January 1966 he was promoted to Captain, he Joined the DLI for his final 2 years’ service. In 1968 he attended MECAS (Middle East Centre for Arab Studies) which was located in Shemian in Lebanon. In 1970 he joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. From 1988-90 he was the British Ambassador to Lebanon, from 1990-91 to The Sudan and from 1992-96 to Morocco. During that period he received the CMG in 1989, and was (Knighted) KBE in 1992. After retiring from the Diplomatic Service he set up home in France. Our condolences go to his wife Pauline.

24080425 Pte Peter Jarmolinski – died Thursday 25th November 2021 aged 73

Peter served in the 1SCLI and 1LI. He saw service with the 1SCLI in Aden and with 1LI in Northern Ireland.

23898550 WO1 RSM Roger Keith Hockey – died on Tuesday 9th November 2021 aged 75

Roger enlisted into the Army in 1961 joining the Infantry Junior Leaders Battalion in Oswestry. In 1964 he was posted to 1 SCLI in Berlin, serving initially in a Rifle Coy. He continued with all postings of the Bn including Gravesend, Aden and the formation of 1 LI until 1969, when as a Cpl he was posted to the LI Depot at Shrewsbury as a Trn Cpl and following promotion as a WT Sjt.

A further promotion to C/Sjt saw a move in 1972 to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as a Trgn SNCO. In 1978 having attained the rank of WO2 he was posted to 6LI where he worked at both Taunton and Yeovil. In 1982 he moved again, this time to 1RGJ at Aldergrove as the WO2 RQMS. In 1983 he was appointed Regimental Serjeant Major of 2LI stationed at Weeton Camp, Lancashire. From 1985-88 he served as RSM at HQ AFCENT, Brunssum, Holland. His final posting before leaving the Army in 1989 was to Ash Ranges, a part of the Aldershot Garrison, where he was the Range SM. Roger’s Medal included the GSM (South Arabia), the UN Medal (Cyprus) and the LS&GC 1982. After leaving the Army he set up his own roofing and general building company with his son Andrew, operating from Puriton near Bridgwater as R K Hockey & Son.

His funeral service was held at Taunton Crematorium on Tuesday 23rd November 2021. It was attended by a large gathering of family, friends and former colleagues from the Association and those who had served with him during his Army career. Also present was the Taunton Branch Standard Bearer and a Bugler from the Buglers Association who played Last Post and Reveille. Our condolences go to his wife Ellen and family.

L/Cpl Kenneth W V White – died on Wednesday 25th August 2021 aged 75

Ken enlisted into the SCLI on 8 January 1964. Following his training at the Light Infantry Brigade Depot at Shrewsbury he was posted to 1 SCLI in Berlin. He initially served in a Rifle Company before becoming a PTI in the Battalion. He was shortly afterwards promoted to L/Cpl. In 1965 the Battalion returned to the UK and was based at Gravesend until April 1966, when it was posted to Aden due to the troubles there. It remained there until October of that year when it returned to Gravesend. For his service in Aden, Ken was awarded the GSM with a bar for South Arabia. He left the Army in January 1968 and returned to his home in Bath. His funeral service took place at the Top Chapel at Haycombe Cemetery Bath on the 17th September, and was attended by his family and friends. Our condolences go to his wife Marie and family.

Pte 24005877 Graham Pothecary – died on Tuesday 11th May 2021 aged 75

He enlisted into the SCLI in 1964 and following training at the Brigade Depot at Shrewsbury he was posted to 1SCLI in Berlin where his first appointment was as a storeman for the Officers Mess. After a short time he moved to the Regimental Signals where he remained for the remainder of his service. In 1965 the Battalion returned to the UK and was stationed at Gravesend. The following year Graham saw service with the Bn in Aden returning to Gravesend in late ’66. Following the formation of the Light Infantry in 1968 he served with the 1st Bn in Northern Ireland and Lemgo. He left the Army in December 1970 and returned to his home in Bath where he worked as a driver for a car hire company before taking up employment as a supervisor with Bath City Council in the historic Pump Room. His final employment until retirement was as a van driver for a florist. He died at home as a result of respiratory disease and his funeral service, which was subject to Covid-19 restrictions, took place at Haycombe Crematorium, Bath on Monday 7th June. The limited number of family and friends were in attendance including members of the Association together with the Bath Branch Standard. Our condolences go to his wife Rose, three daughters and their families.

Cpl 23854483 Colin (Appy) Aplin – died on Tuesday 20th April 2021 aged 78

Appy, as he was always known, enlisted into the SCLI in 1961. Following training at the Regimental Depot at Bodmin, he together with the reminder of his intake was posted to Seaton Barracks at Plymouth, shortly before 1SCLI returned to the UK from their posting in Osnabruck. In August 1961 the Battalion moved to Gibraltar where he was posted to the Signals Pltn, in which he remained for his entire service. During his period of service with the Pltn, he had subsequent postings to Tobruk, Berlin and Gravesend from where he left the Army in 1966, having attained the rank of Cpl. In civilian life he worked in the building industry as a project manager for the MOD and later for Wiltshire County Council. Colin died at home after a short illness and his funeral which was subject to Covid – 19 restrictions, took place at Semington Crematorium, on Tuesday 4th May. Our condolences go to his wife Janis and family.

23431325 WO2 John Raymond (Ray) Bate – died on Sunday 4th April 2021 aged 83

Ray enlisted into the Somerset Light Infantry at Taunton in 1957 and following training at the Regimental Depot he joined 1SOM LI at Plymouth, initially serving in a Rifle Coy. In 1958 the Battalion moved to Warminster as the Infantry Demonstration Battalion. Shortly after Ray was promoted to L/Cpl and in July 1959 he was posted to Bodmin which shortly after became the Regimental Depot of the SCLI. He took on the duties as a training NCO and was promoted to Cpl in 1960. He remained as a training NCO until the closure of the depot in 1962 when he was then posted to 1SCLI in Gibraltar. He then commenced duty with the Signal Pltn in which he remained for a great majority of his service. His postings included Libya, Berlin, Gravesend and Aden by which time he had attained the rank of Sjt. The Bn returned to Gravesend form Aden and in 1968 it became 1LI. Ray remained with the Bn until August 1980 during which time he had 4 tours of duty in Northern Ireland, numerous tours in West Germany, Belize and Hong Kong. In 1980 having completed 23years service he moved to the Long Service List (LSL) and took on recruitment duties in Cornwall were he remained until finally leaving the Army in the rank of WO2 in December 1991, having served a total of 34 years 160 days. His funeral service which was subject to Covid restrictions, took place at Bodmin Crematorium on the 27th April. Unable to attend the funeral proceedings, many of his former colleagues lined the streets through which the funeral procession passed. Pre-deceased by his wife our condolences go to his son and daughter.

Pte 23769755 Brian Evans – died on Saturday 27th March 2021 aged 82

He was called up for National Service in March 1960. Following training at the Regimental Depot at Bodmin he was posted to 1SCLI in Osnabruck where he served initially in a Rifle Company. He was later he was posted to HQ Company where he remained for the rest of his service in Osnabruck and subsequently in the UK and Gibraltar. On demobilisation in March 1962, he returned to his home in Oswestry where he continued his trade as a carpenter until his retirement. Brian remained single his entire life and his closest relative was his brother. His funeral service which was subject to Covid-19 restrictions took place at Wrexham Crematorium on Thursday 15th April.

A tribute from Brian Aldridge: Brian thanks for all those good times we shared together. RIP my friend.

Colonel David Hancock MBE – died on Saturday 13th March 2021 aged 88

He joined the Army in late 1951 with the SLI at Taunton. In 1952 he attended RMA Sandhurst and subsequently was commissioned into the SLI and was posted to the 1st Bn in Malaya as a Pltn Commander. He also performed roles as Intelligence Officer and Assistant Adjutant. Prior to and after the formation of the SCLI he served with 3 PARA in Cyprus and Jordan. Posted to 1SCLI at Osnabruck in 1960, he served as 2 i/c C Coy for approximately 18 months, before moving to an appointment with HQ 7 Armd Bde, Soltau, also West Germany. In 1964 he attended the Army Staff College and later served as GSO 3 (Ops) in Brunei with HQ 51 Gurkha Bde. Following this he moved to the MOD with Army Staff Duties. In 1964 he was posted back to 1SCLI as a Coy Comd in Gravesend, this also spanned into 1LI with service with that Bn in Gravesend, Northern Ireland and Lemgo and an exercise in Kenya. He was appointed an MBE in 1971 and was selected to attend the JSSC Latimer following which he spent 6 months as OC RIT at Shrewsbury. Now as a Lt Col, he commanded the LI Depot, Shrewsbury from 1972-74. After this he had a Grade 1 staff appointment at Wilton as GSO 1 (Ops). Promoted to Colonel in 1977 he became D Comd of HQ 39 Inf Bde in Lisburn N/Ireland and was Mentioned in Despatches. His final 2 appointments were within the MOD (Army Training) and UKLF (DACOS G4) He retired from the Army in 1983. A funeral service took place on 8th April under private arrangements. Our condolences go to his wife Susan and family.

Sjt 23695428 Eric Mountstevens – died on Saturday 16th January 2021 aged 77

Eric enlisted into the SLI in March 1959 with the Junior Leaders Battalion at Plymouth. He was posted in September 1960 to the Regimental depot, Bodmin for men’s service with the SCLI. Following training he was posted to 1SCLI in Osnabruck where he initially served in a rifle company. He later joined the Bugle pltn where he served for several years. Eric was promoted on several occasions attaining the rank of Sjt. It is believed that he was the Officers Mess Sjt for several years. He was also a much respected sportsman both on the cricket field and likewise football pitch, where for sometime he was the Bn’s goalkeeper. He left the Army in April 1978 having completed just over 19yrs service. He later took employment with the Royal Household at Windsor. His funeral, which was subject to Covid – 19 restrictions, took place on Tuesday 16th February at The Royal Chapel of All Saints in Windsor Great Park, followed by cremation at Slough Crematorium. Our condolences go to his wife Margaret and family.

Sjt 23356653 Richard (Dick) Wignall – died on Tuesday 12th January 2021 aged 83

Dick, as he was always known, enlisted into the SLI in December 1956. Following training at the Regimental Depot, Taunton he was posted to 1SLI in Plymouth where he served in the MMG Pltn. There followed several moves in the UK with the Battalion before in 1959, the Battalion was posted to Osnabruck, Germany on amalgamation of 1SLI with 1DCLI to form 1SCLI. Now in the rank Cpl he moved to the Anti Tank Pltn. In 1961 he was posted to the Regimental Depot, Bodmin working as an orderly in the MI Room. A like appointment took him to Southern Command at Wilton. In 1964 he was posted back to 1SCLI in Berlin as a Provost Cpl. The Bn returned to the UK in 1965 and was based at Gravesend. Promoted to Sjt he was posted Taunton for a short period as a Regt Recruiter before returning to the Bn as a Pltn Sjt. July 1968 saw the formation of the Light Infantry when 1SCLI became 1LI. At this time he received his final posting to St Blazey, Cornwall as Regt Recruiter. He left the Army in April 1970 initially working in the China Clay industry before moving to the Building industry for the remainder of his working life. He was a staunch supporter of the SCLI Reunion at Taunton, which together with his wife he attended for many years. His funeral which was subject to Covid-19 restrictions, took place on Wednesday 27th January at Penmount Crematorium, Newquay Road, Truro. Our condolences go to his wife Valerie and family.

Sjt Terence (Terry) Higginbottom – died on Thursday 7th January 2021 aged 81

Terry enlisted into the SLI on the 8th January 1959. Following training at the Regimental depot, Taunton he was posted to 1SLI at Warminster where he served in a rifle company. Later that year the Battalion was posted to Osnabruck, West Germany on amalgamation with 1DCLI to form 1SCLI, Terry was now serving in C Company where in October 1960 he was promoted to L/Cpl and became the 2i/c of a rifle section. He was further promoted to Cpl i/c of a rifle section in 7pltn C Coy. During this period the Bn had several moves to the UK, Gibraltar and Berlin where in March 1965 he was promoted to Sjt. The Bn was posted back to the UK in May of 1965 and was stationed at Gravesend. He remained at Gravesend until 1968 where on formation of the Light Infantry he was posted to 3LI with whom he saw service in The Middle East, Cyprus and Northern Ireland. He left the Army in November 1973 having completed 15 yrs service. His funeral, which was subject to Covid-19 restrictions, took place on Thursday 18th February at Busbury Crematorium, Wolverhampton. Our condolences go to his wife Elma.

Lt Col Richard Vyvyan-Robinson MBE – died on Saturday 31st October 2020 aged 83

Col Vyvyan – Robinson was granted a Short Service Commission in the DCLI in 1956, which was converted in 1958 to a Regular Commission in the Regt. His initial posting was to 1 DCLI serving in the West Indies where he commanded 5 Pltn based in Jamaica. In March 1957 the Bn moved back to the UK on the Troopship ‘Dilwara’ and was based at the Regt Depot Bodmin where it was housed in Walker Lines, a wooden hutted camp. In July of that year the Bn moved to Osnabruck. After a short while Col Vyvyan – Robinson returned to Bodmin where he became the training officer with new intakes. He later departed to the Middle East College for Arab Studies (MECAS) in the Lebanon to learn Arabic, after which he did a tour with the Trucial Oman Scouts. Following this he returned to 1 SCLI in Gibraltar but more importantly was employed with the company detachments in Tobruk where his knowledge of the language proved invaluable. Further postings took him to Berlin and Gravesend with the move in 1966 to Aden where he was the Intelligence Officer. He conducted numerous operations, both overt and covert, many at extreme personal risk, which provided valuable intelligence. For this outstanding work he was appointed MBE. Many other appointments followed such as the OC Junior Soldiers Bn at the LI Depot, Trg Major with 1 UDR, Coy Commander with 2 RGJ, and finally Officer Commanding The Army Junior School of Music. He retired from the Army in 1989. In 1996 he served as Regimental County Secretary for Cornwall based at The Keep, Bodmin. He retired from this post in 2003. Our condolences go to his wife Ginny and family.

Pte 23733163 Gordon Richard Daley – died on Saturday 11th April 2020 aged 78

He enlisted into the DCLI in 1959 just a few weeks prior to the amalgamation with the SOM LI. Following training at the Regimental Depot at Bodmin he was posted to 1SCLI in Osnabruck where he served as a rifleman in A Coy. He later transferred to Support Coy and remained with the Coy for the remainder of the Bn’s time in Osnabruck and when it returned to Plymouth. On moving to Gibraltar he was transferred  to HQ Coy as a Arms Cote Storeman. On the Bn moving to Berlin in October 1963 he was again back in A Coy as a rifleman. He left the Army on compassionate grounds and in civilian life his major employment was as a taxi driver. His funeral service took place on Monday 4th May at Pontefract Crematorium. Our condolences go to his daughters Lucy and Helen and their respective families.

Lt Colonel Geoffrey Ferguson Sharland OBE – died on Tuesday 10th March 2020 aged 98

He was commissioned into the DCLI in1942 and served with he Regiment in all its postings until the amalgamation with the SLI in 1959. In the early years of the SCLI in Osnabruck, and in the rank of Major, he was the Company Commander of HQ Company, No:1 Group. He later took on the mantle of Battalion Sports Officer In 1961 he was posted to Bovington and shortly afterwards to the School of Infantry at Netheravon, Wiltshire. Promoted to Lt Colonel his final posting in 1964 was to the 8th Bn DLI (TA) as its Commanding Officer. In the 1970 Queens Birthday Honours List he was appointed an OBE. His funeral service, subject to Covid-19 restrictions, took place on the 20th March 2020 at St Mary’s Church, Cheriton Bishop, Devon. He was predeceased by his wife Marjorie.

Sjt. 23887398 Howard John Robert (Bob) Pinnington – died on Thursday 30 January 2020 aged 75

Bob enlisted into the SCLI in November 1961. Following training at the Regimental Depot at Bodmin he was posted to the KSLI Depot at Shrewsbury which was to become the Light Infantry Brigade Training Depot. In 1963 he was posted to 1SCLI in Berlin serving initially in a Rifle Company. There followed numerous postings with the Battalion to the UK, Aden, and later with 1LI to Lemgo, Northern Ireland for several tours, Belize, Hong Kong, Canada, Cyprus and several other postings by which time he had been promoted to Sjt in the MT. He finished his 22 years of service with 5LI at Shrewsbury where he lived for a short while before moving to the Worcester area. In civilian life he worked for a fuel company and finally as a driver for a medical company. His funeral on Thursday 20th February at Worcester Crematorium was very well attended by his family, friends and former colleagues from the Regiment. There was also buglers from the Buglers Association in attendance. Our condolences go to his wife Jackie and family.